Oxhorn’s Unabridged Dictionary are Ox's classier alternative to real swearing as created in the Inventing Swear Words series. The full list from Oxhorn's official website can be see below.[1]
BLIT, noun.
- A malicious, evil, selfish, unpleasant or otherwise contemptible person; (Timmy’s mom is a blit).
- Anything difficult or unpleasant; (that job was a blit).
- Any part of anything, whether one’s body or a part of an object; (I’m going to kick you in the blit).
BLOIT, verb.
- To complain; gripe; (stop bloitting).
- To fumble, mess up, drop the ball; (I bloitted that one).
- To strike, act carelessly, wastefully or foolishly; (he bloitted me in the foot).
BLOIT, phrasal verb.
- To shirk one’s duty; (just bloit it).
- To go away: used as an exclamation of impatience; (bloit off!)
- To waste time; (I bloitted all day).
BLOIT, interjection.
- Used to express anger, rejection and disgust, often followed by a pronoun, such as “you” or “it”; (go bloit yourself).
BLOIT, as an adjective, adverb.
- Damned; confounded; bloody; (that bloitting politician).
CHAK, verb.
- To strike, act carelessly, wastefully or foolishly; (don’t chak him in the thumb).
- To be in an undesirable position, (I’m chakked).
FLAK, noun.
- Any part of anything, whether one’s body or a part of an object; (she thumped me in the flak).
- To care, be concerned; (I don’t give a flak).
FLAK, verb.
- To be in an undesirable position, (you’re flakked).
GRAT, interjection.
- Used to express anger, rejection and disgust, often followed by a pronoun, such as “you” or “it”; (grat it!)
GRAT, as an adjective, adverb.
- Damned; confounded; bloody; (that gratting idiot).
WOLSH, verb.
- To strike, act carelessly, wastefully or foolishly; (you wolshed that guy bad).
- To abuse or manipulate against one’s will; (I was thoroughly wolshed).
- Any part of anything, whether one’s body or a part of an object; (I was hit in the wolsh).