- Arrogant Elf
- Barnaby
- Brandon M. Dennis
- Busco
- Dink, Dr. Strange, and Evan
- Hat the Singing Turtle
- Hearthstone
- Hippy Elf
- Kevin Bacon
- Lacy
- Lieutenant Colonel Virtue
- Master of Euphemisms
- Mighty Morphin’ Midget Gnomes
- Mortuus
- Mr. Evil
- Nathan Allen Pinard
- Oxhorn (character)
- Oxhorn’s Unabridged Dictionary
- Oxpedia
- Pulling a Hartung
- Quintus
- Scotch & Smoke Rings
- Smoke Ring
- Smoke Ship
- Staghorn
- The Hordeshop Quartet
- The Tale of Cloran Hastings
- Thunk
- Warlord Gorchuck
- WoWCrendor
- World of Warcraft